Pharmaceutical Diagnostics

Pharmaceutical Diagnostics

Pharmaceutical Diagnostics (PDx) is the leading pharmaceutical imaging agent provider with global reach, best-in-class supply chain and expertise in innovation, leveraging the scale and strength of GE Healthcare to serve our customers as they strive to deliver precision health.

  • Our Vision

    To be the customer partner of choice for pharmaceutical imaging agents that enhance medical decisions, improving patient outcomes all over the world:

    • Our goal is to deliver increased capacity, improved productivity, and better patient outcomes for our customers. These are key challenges to overcome to support the delivery of precision health.
    • By delivering patient doses, service and supply + innovative products to our customers we are enabling precision health in action

  • What we do

    To be the customer partner of choice for pharmaceutical imaging agents that enhance medical decisions, improving patient outcomes all over the world:

    • No. 1 supplier in contrast media and molecular imaging agents to enhance clinical decisions
    • Broad portfolio of diagnostics across cardiology, neurology and oncology
    • 7 manufacturing plants worldwide
    • Delivering to clinicians at radiology and nuclear medicine departments

    Data sources: GE Healthcare on file, CMIG/IQVIA/market data and reports

pdx includes

Global Facts

  • 100M

    doses per year….serving the right patient in the right place at the right time around the world

  • 10

    oncology imaging agents used routinely for cancer diagnosis and monitoring


  • 4M

    nuclear cardiology procedures annually to help detect coronary artery disease