Advanced course on MRI Sequences and Methods

Course overview
This course elaborates on the description of MRI sequences and methods and touch on some more advanced applications compared to the introduction course. It is 'A deep dive into some of your everyday sequences.'
The course includes live demonstrations of the post processing workflow associated with some sequences.
In the course, following topics are described and discussed:
- General overview of standard sequences (GRE, FSE, EPI, PROPELLER) and methods
- Influence of parameter choices on Image Quality/SNR and optimization strategies, including how to optimize IQ when using AIR Recon DL
- Gradients, RF coils, RF modes
- Multi-echo sequences, SWAN, MERGE, T2Map, StarMap and IDEAL-IQ and post processing
- Common “type-in” PSD sequences and Imaging Options
- Multi-phase imaging with reference to perfusion imaging (PWI), including DSC (T2* perfusion), DCE (T1 perfusion) and post processing
- Multi-phase imaging with reference to CE MR angiography
- None-Cartesian sampling, e.g. ASL, Silenz, UTE/ZTE, oZTEo and “Stack-of-stars” based sequences (LAVA-STAR, DISCO-STAR)
- DWI, DTI and multi-shell DTI, DTI post processing
- Spectroscopy SVS, 2D, 3D, scanning and post processing
- Target audience
Radiologists, radiographers and medical physicist.
Basic knowledge of GE MRI skills equivalent to those acquired in the “Introduction to Sequences and Methods” course.