VISUS Advanced Course 3D

Course overview
Getting the theoretical and practical tools in 3D/4D, to be able to use 3D/4D with more confident in the clinical diagnostic examination. Multiple hands-on sessions to be able to practise these tools in a relaxed learning environment.
- Volume Ultrasound Technology.
- Advantage of using VCI and OmniView.
- Basics and benefits of STIC and Electronic 4D.
- 3D/4D ultrasound in 1st and 2nd trimester - clinical aspects & clinical cases.
- Color Doppler Imaging of the fetus with focus on the cardiovascular system.
- Cardiac anomalies - Examination of the fetal heart, clinical examples and aspects of the STIC application.
Target audience
Obstetricians, pediatric and fetal cardiologists, midwives, working with Voluson ultrasound systems.
In-depth skills and experience in routine ultrasound, using basic tools in 3D/4D and a wish to use more advanced 3D/4D in clinical practice.